Brunelleschi's dome in Florence is a Renaissance masterpiece which changed architecture for ever. It took 21 years to build, made of terracotta bricks and decorated with marble

Duomo Immersive Tour

A Deep Insight into Florence Most Spiritual Places

Discover the essence of Florence, its core and soul at Duomo Square, religious center of this stunning unconventional town.

The Baptistery of Saint John: Romanesque Style in the Heart of Florence

Our visit begins with the most iconic of all the Florentine religious monuments: the baptistery dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.

Learn more about the Florentine romanesque style that dates back to 11th century and about the Byzantine mosaics that still decorate its dome.

It’s an artistic journey through the centuries when Florence was a crossroad of cultures, it’s a step back in time when the overwhelming mosaics represented a deep faith, fear and fall.

Described by Dante as “My beautiful San Giovanni” in the “Divine Commedy“, he wasn’t the only Florentine to be baptised here.

The navigator Amerigo Vespucci, politician Niccolò Machiavelli and Grand Duke Cosimo I de Medici were also baptised in its marble font.

Discover the marble floor of an ancient Roman domus (villa) under the baptistery. The rich Roman residence used to be in the same location where the religious monument was built. Its intricate floor displaing Roman geometric and floreal patterns is still visible thanks to a special lighting system

The Duomo and its Crypt: Discover Florence Spiritual Masterpiece

Get inspired by the Duomo (cathedral): the sobriety of its interior is an unexpected contrast to the richness of its front.

The Duomo style is a compromise between the northen Gothic architecture and local taste, making it grand and simple at the same time.

The spectacular frescoes decorating the dome and its marble floor paid for by the Medici make it very sophisticated. It’s not until we descend into the crypt that we can understand how majestic the project was.

Admire the Original Paradise Door at Opera del Duomo Museum

The tour woudn’t be complete without visiting the Opera del Duomo museum. Ghiberti’s Paradise Door, Donatello‘s unconventional sculptures and Michelangelo‘s unfinished Pietà are just some of the most stunning Renaissance artworks to be admired here.

If you are wondering how big the ego of Florentines can be, take a look up at Brunellschi’s cupola and you will certainly find it out.


  • Duomo Square and its Religious Monuments: Cathedral, Baptistery and Belltower
  • Romanesque Architecture
  • Gothic Florentine Architecture
  • Florentine Sculpture
  • Opera del Duomo Museum: an immersion into Renaissance Florentine Sculpture
  • Ghiberti’s Original Paradise Door

RATESfrom €270 for up to 5 people
AVAILABILITYfrom Monday to Friday
ADMISSION FEESnot included

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